The Venus of Urbino by Titian - News360


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Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Venus of Urbino by Titian

The Venus of Urbino by Titian 

The Venus of Urbino by The Italian Artist Titian is an oil Painting. The Painting appears to have been started in 1532 or 1534 and was maybe finished in 1534. The artistic creation is also called Reclining Venus In the artistic creation a young naked woman is portrayed, customarily related to the goddess Venus.

The lady is leaning back on a couch or bed in the luxurious surroundings of a Renaissance palace. The painting is currently in the Galleria degli Uffizi in Florence. To paint The Venus of Urbino Titian utilized a similar model who had postured for the "Young lady in a Fur Coat" in plain view in Vienna and for "La Bella" on display view at the Pitti Palace. The love goddess is erotic and gazes at the viewer as though she needs to communicate something.

The Venus of Urbino by Titian/The Venus of Urbino by Titian
The Venus of Urbino by Titian


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